Friday, March 03, 2006


I read Tarot cards.
I am very good at it thank you very much.
This talent was not looked for but discovered, back in college, when a roommate was taking some sort of one credit no-brainer course, and brought a deck home. He had no luck with the cards. On the other hand, I seemed to catch on like a duck to water, and nearly took the course for him. At the end, he shoved the deck onto me saying 'here, they seem to be yours'.
And so they have stayed.
One may think a psychiatrist who reads Tarot cards only feeds the critics of the field that psychiatry is all about alien abductions. In my defense I am a Jungian by training, and Jungians see psychological meaning/value in just about everything. (No, I don't give readings while I write out prescriptions) In my analytical training, Tarot was taken seriously.
They are not good at prediciting the future- nothing can and those that claim they can are swindlers. Tarot is a refined efficient system of symbolic knowledge, full of symbols carefully (or unconsciously) chosen over time to speak directly to the deeper levels of the mind. The card images serve to open up and free aspects of the unconscious. Once unlocked, I can use them as a spring board to what the hell is going on in the depths of my noggin. I can read subconcious thoughts but I dont read the future.
I have about 10 decks, ranging from abstract mantras to heironymous bosch.
The card for the month of March is the 4 of cups < I better be mindful about appreciating what I have rather than crying over spilled milk and lost causes.
If someone has a different 'read' on this card, please let me know.


Blogger Cliffie, The Lemming Girl said...

To me that card means being royally fed up. And there are so many things to be fed up about, if you ask me.

2:08 PM  
Blogger Conor Karrel said...

I'm reading through your archives (obviously, since this comment is near 4 months old) and I'm surprised but thrilled to see a psychologist who uses Tarot in his personal life!

Now, being pagan you would think that I'd disagree a bit about the tarot cards, but I think you're spot on actually, I go as far to say that all psychic phenomena works as a tool to read the subconcious mind, tarot cards just happen to be a great medium to bring those hidden thoughts to the surface (though I do believe empaths exist and can draw other peoples subconcious thoughts from them, but that's whole other topic).

Anyway, I use The Alchemical Tarot, my favorite deck that you unfortunately can't find anymore, and the four of vessels (this decks name for cups) is an elephant balanced perfectly on four large vases that sit in the sand on a beach. This card has always meant harmony to me, keeping a balance of work, play, love, and responsibility in equal measure and not letting one bear more weight than the others, because you'd fall like a two ton elephant if you did. Thanks for writing such a wonderful blog!

2:17 PM  

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