Sunday, March 05, 2006

5 Things to do when feeling cross

Lately life and work have left me demoralized.
Having demoralization is not the same as having depression; when one is depressed one can't feel good about anything (or nearly anything). I feel just fine when I get to do the things that I want to do. Alas, that is not most of the week.
But, today's words from the mind and land of SPO are not bitchings about work (nothing novel there). They are what you can do when you are cross.
I use the word "Cross" as it has a nicer sound to it than than being bitchy. Someone (that is the person with whom I live) described me in some other words that were none to flattering. So, I thought I should hit these old remedies ASAP before something worse occurs at work or at home.

#1 - Watch the Marx Brothers - My favorite psychiatry professor used to prescribe this to anyone taking life or themselves too seriously. If you are new to the brothers Marx; I suggest "Horse Feathers". If you are in a down mood with cynicism, "Duck Soup' is just the thing. Groucho's birthday should be a national holiday.

#2 - Bacon. Bacon is just plain nasty; nothing about it is good/politically or medically correct. But, oh! the smell of 1/2lb frying up and then eating these greasy strips is a satisfaction that rivals sex. (if you are really down, 1lb is sometimes necessary).

#3 - Read one of the following books <
The Mouse and his Child, The Phantom Tollbooth, "The Lucia Series" by E.F Benson, or the Bachelor Brothers' Bed and Breakfast.

#4 - Hot water. Something so mawkish is splendid for bad moods; go soak in a tub, or drink a hot drink (I recommend tea), or merely wash your face. A hot washcloth to the face is a splendid thing, espeically if you are flying into hysterics.

#5 - Shopping. This one is a bit dangerous to prescribe as it can go to the extremes; but a drag queen summed it up nicely " nothing like a new frock to brighten up the day."

There are others of course, but I don't know the rules and regulations of the blog site.


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