Plague of Demons

Once upon a time, being possessed by demons was an acceptable psychiatric condition. It isn’t used anymore; it is not mentioned in the DSM IV. Even the few cases I have encountered of people insisting they are possessed by the devil were poo-pooed even by the priests. These sorts first go to church, where they are told to see a psychiatrist right away.
Rather than exorcism they get Risperdal, which is less glamorous and causes tremors and weight gain.
I’ve been thinking a lot about demons. I imagine there’s a rather large flock of them over Arizona, causing red state people to do foolish things, politicians to be stupid, and inspire AM talk show hosts. Mostly these demons interrupt life and make things generally difficult. Road rage, political splitting, and crazy drug/gun laws– these are all the labors of demons.
Demons like cell phones, and encourage their use everywhere and anywhere to further contribute to the Kingdom of Noise.
People who dismiss the concept of demonic interference are either blessed or not paying attention. There is a sniff of sulphur in the bad air over Phoenix. Even as I write this blog the Father of Lies has sent a demon to torment Tiberius the cat into fits of vomiting onto the newly cleaned floor.
I am going to have a word with St. Michael, my patron saint, to guard us against all wickedness and snares of the devil.
For you scoffers, I say beware and watch your cell phones.
The celtic druids believe that Deamons (yes, that's their spelling) are ethereal spirits (much the same as leprechauns and fairies) and have gotten the bad rep they have because if you call for their help they will try to possess you to drain your life force as they innately can't feel any emotion but the desire to feel emotion (think data from Star Trek) they're also fundementally unable to lie, they tell nothing but the truth, that is, without compassion; so they come off really brutal when giving information, another reason they have a bad rap.
I'm not really sure I believe much of that, but it's fascinating none the less.
thanks for the link to this entry. This was a fun entry.
This is quiet and clever and wryly understated. I love this.
And frankly, I think it's a tossup between having a demon and taking Risperdal. Even if demons ARE Republicans.
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