Sunday, June 04, 2006

Some Random Thoughts

It is one of those days when I doubt everyone’s sanity. It is to be expected that in my field of work one is bound to see a lot of loose screws – and loose cannons. I’ve had a handful of patients taking their pills like M & Ms. Some I caught getting multiple prescriptions from different docs. It is curious that it is always the Xanax that fell down the sink – never the blood pressure medicine. After 15 years in this field, poor judgment still puzzles and amazes.
Out and about in the public realm there are more and more folks either woefully under-dosed or not adhering to treatment.

I am going to limit my exposure to CNN and the newspapers, as the titles and issues either evoke depression or urges to run off to Canada. The letters to the editor can be amusing if they did not evoke the two gamines under the cloak of The Ghost of Christmas Present.
In Jungian psychology, it is not a question of does one have a “Shadow”. It is a question of where yours is. For those not conscious, they project their Shadow elements outwards – onto others. Well, there is a lot of that going around. The politicians are the worse. Given this age of phone tapping and listening in (all in the name of protecting my privacy and safety) I am hesitant to point fingers and complain about certain people in office, lest my blog (or worse I) disappear. I pity the poor federal flunky who listens in on my phone calls, which are mostly from patients in panic mode or begging for more Ritalin. Everyone is uncivil. Others are not only the ‘other’ but down right demonic. It makes me cross and demoralized. I can only hope that what goes around/comes around and the boobs running the country are hoist on their own petard.


Blogger Michael Guy said...

HEY! "thanks" for that timely tip! MY xanax just fell down the sink!!

6:19 PM  

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