Thursday, June 01, 2006

Ten of Swords

Every year in January I do a “reading for the year” with one of my many decks of cards. This gives me 12 cards, one per month, on which to reflect.

This year “June” came up with the 10 of Swords. Not a good sign.

For those who don’t know, the 10 of Swords is one nasty looking card. There is a dead man on the ground with 10 swords stuck in his back. Although all cards are supposed to have both positive and negative aspects, even I have a hard time coming up with a positive spin for this one. The one possibility is the dark storm cloud on the card’s horizon seems to be lifting – a sign perhaps that some awful thing is vanquished and passing?
While I hold to the philosophy that these cards are helpful for internal reflection and we ultimately make our destiny etc, I have the willies. I’ve been dreading June’s arrival. Is something terrible about to happen? As in anyone’s life, I have a list of potential problems that could at any time erupt. Perhaps one of these dormant volcanoes will erupt soon.
Or, is it a warning - do not succumb to depression and despair.
I tread with caution.


Blogger Conor Karrel said...

The Alchemical Tarot (again, my favorite deck) is almost identical to the Rider-Waite image except for one major difference. An open book can be seen near the head of the man with ten swords in his gullet. The card always reminds me of censorship for that reason, whether from outside or within depends on the reading, but sometimes from the censorship of one person a cause is formed and others take up the flag (or book in this case) and continue the journey.

4:01 PM  

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