Wednesday, May 17, 2006

5 Mawkish Splendors

Lucky me! The things that give me the most joy are simple, cheap, and available.
Oh, I have some more exquisite tastes and fancies, such as Pol Roger Champagne (NV), Stag’s Leap Wine, smoked salmon from the Pacific Northwest but these are not ‘every day’ treats to be sure.
Here is a list of my five favorites; I am curious to know if others agree;
1) Hot water. For bathing, lounging, cleansing and making tea. It still remains a brilliant anxiolytic treatment, without the nastiness of Xanax type medicines.
2) Bad weather. Thunderstorms are my favorite; snow storms will do; a tornado near by (but not too near); and hurricanes hitting elsewhere are jolly good fun.
This is the one splendor I don’t get much out here in Spo Land; hot bright weather doesn’t do it for me as winds and rain. Let’s hope the ‘Monsoons’ put out this year.
3) A back scratch. Ooh! Nothing beats a good scratch, especially to the middle of the back, curiously designed to make others scratch for you. Getting Someone to apply enough nail and pressure is sometimes a challenge.
4) Reading. I am thankful that the joy of reading sank in early and continues. I always have new books on hand, and there are the old favorites to revisit. Some books deserve to be read at various stages in one’s life time.
5) Oh, I will leave this one blank just in case my mother is reading.


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