Monday, April 03, 2006

OCD Weekends

With the last entry tucked in, ‘writer’s block’ came to call. I could not think of anything to write this weekend last. I see this in a positive way; if I am to be a writer, then writer’s block is a component, like runners who have to get an injury from time to time. It is part of the deal. Then again, I hope it is not the Muses realizing that another mediocre writer is budding and they, sensible Women, ran off hoping I would get the hint to shut up before things go too far.
I think I have things to say, but I still struggle with how to get them out. It is a bit like being a perfectionist who still doesn’t know quite how to get things right….

The word ‘weekend’ cues me to expand on that. (thank you Ladies) Last weekend we decided to work on the pool. After changing the sand in the filter, buying a new pool vacuum and testing all the waters, we feel some mastery. However, the pool now has a cloudy chalk like colour, most unpleasant. I hope we didn’t do permanent harm.
Poor weekends; they are two fragile paper plates upon which too much are heaped. Besides all that would be fun, there is the week’s paper work, chores, and errands put off until then. Oh, how I would loathe the Father Figure rousing us up on a Saturday morning with shouts of ‘there is work to be done!”. 40 years later I have become this same person (integration of the Father Figure in shrink talk) but alas there is no ‘next generation’ towards which to direct this OCD tradition. Nor is there a wife, who could possibly be snookered into doing some of them during the week. She would probably be working all week as well. I have Someone but he works longer/harder than I. He does not have this conditioned mania of chores on weekends.
So weekends will remain a run around time, doing the laundry and cleaning the yard and paying the bills. I suspect others are out having ‘fun’ but perhaps they have some domestic help.

Maybe a house-boy is indicated, someone to rattle the pots and pans and clean the windows too. In my middle aged years, that seems the best use for such a person.


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