Friday, April 28, 2006

Who are my readers?

Who is my audience?
At times I am hesitant to write for a couple of reasons. For one thing,I am new to writing. I have written a personal journal for years, but no one reads that, and it is mostly half sentences and short data entries of events and emotions .Out here in the internet anyone can read what I write. “Anyone’ doesn’t concern me so much as the people I know. It gives me pause.
Before I gave it much thought, I emailed just about everyone I was starting a blog and they were invited to read it. I copied the entire email address book.
Now that is a diverse audience. It ranges from colleagues to Friends of Dorothy to my family. Such an audience would require a “G” rating site, lest I upset or shock (particularly the relatives). This careful editing sounds suspicious. Writing to interest all/please all will translate quickly into the banal. What to do?
Ideas to consider;

#1< The “survey” approach.
I suppose it is a bit tactless to directly ask everyone I knew ‘do you read this drivel?” And would the data be valid? Most of my kin and kind are from the Midwest so they would respond ‘Yes, I read it” regardless, to not hurt my feelings.

#2 < the “proceed with caution” approach.
I write my medical notes this way (i.e. will the patient or someone else someday read this?) Perhaps this should apply here too. The old ‘what if your parents read this’.

Or #3< The “Publish and be damned” approach. Fill up the blog with whatever thoughts and reports that strike my fancy. No doubt family members and some others will be titillated or shocked – or stop reading.

Dunno. I will think on this some more. Comments anyone?


Blogger Michael Guy said...

Well...this is the million dollar question. Sometimes I 'publish and be damned'...but then go back and pull entries days later w/ my photo associated. I you is the WORLD WIDE WEB. I sorta' write with tongue firmly planted in cheek. But then..the written word is subject to interpretation and I know many, by now--think I'm a sex-starved, man-hungry mid-life crisis moments before meltdown. They'd be right. The goal is to write. Just write. Self-censoring is the kiss of death. The brilliant soon becomes banal. Go with your gut. I don't put MY entire life out on the web just the stuff I'm working out in my head once in awhile.

7:42 PM  
Blogger Ur-spo said...

Thank you Michael, that was to the point and very supportive/helpful

9:08 AM  

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