Tuesday, June 27, 2006


This is a photo of Someone. He is my partner of nearly ten years. He is camera shy, so getting him to pause for the above photo is a rare event. Oh! Watch out! A bear in the woods!
In my blog I call him “Someone” rather than his name in order to protect him.

Someone is a good person; very thoughtful and gentle. He has many attributes, but as he is dubious to be exposed so on line, I shall avoid too many details.
His only negative trait are his driving manners. He gets cross with other drivers and uses all sorts of language that I normally never hear from him. Other than that he has no major deficits. He is my honeybear. I am glad to have Someone with whom to go through life.

We met in Key West. I was on the usual yearly winter holiday at my favorite B&B, Big Ruby’s. The place has a social hour every day at 6PM. It is nice way for mingling and meeting the other men staying there. Someone was down on a business meeting with his bank. He had escaped his colleagues to stay here for a few nights.
He ended up getting me.
Perhaps if he had asked a few logical questions when he met me, he would have put a healthy distance between himself and some one with ADHD, always moves about, worries about everything, and gets sick at movies (he loves all movies). But now it is too late. In my family we mate for life, like pigeons.

So from time to time you may see him in photos or hear about our interactions.


Blogger Conor Karrel said...

He's adorable, and you guys make a great looking couple! Congratulations on 10 years together! WOOHOO!

11:35 AM  
Blogger Cliffie, The Lemming Girl said...

Next time you post a photo of Someone, see if you can get him to wear the swimfins and the mink coat, or at least hold up a big pumpkin full of those transcedental Hawaiian meatballs that turned into a radioactive horror when I tried to make them myself.

9:15 PM  
Blogger David said...

At last we meet Someone !! Nice too !!!

11:07 AM  

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