The Shadow
I miss teaching and this fills some need of mine.
Last “Jung 101” was about the Archetypes. The one I want to write about today is an important one, called the Shadow.
The Shadow in the inferior/uncivilized base qualities which stand in compensation/balance to the Ego. It is ‘the thing a person has no wish to be’. It is a wild and tameless energy, but not inherently ‘evil’; it is evil when not allowed conscious connection/space in the psyche. Remember, there is no such thing as a ‘bad’ or a ‘good’ archetype. But being out of touch with the Shadow is particularly dangerous. One can not exorcise the Shadow (or any complex/archetype); one had to own up to it.
The question is not ‘do I have a Shadow?” it is “Where is my Shadow today?”
We’ve all known people possessed by Shadow. An easy and contemporary example is Darth Vader, a man possessed by the “Dark Side of the Force”. Star Wars is full of Mythos and classic Jungian psychology, which probably accounts for lots of Star War’s allure. (All those archetypes running around on screen!).
A basic rule in psychology is; What we don’t incorporate into our psyches or process consciously we project out onto others. The Shadow is particularly prone to projection, as few are wise enough to own up to it. So we readily put it onto others.
“I don’t have a problem, but he sure does!”.
One sees projection in nasty people focusing on others’ faults.
The ‘brighter’ one tries to be i.e Shadow-less, the greater the projection.
More deadly is when a whole people/culture ‘decide’ to project their communal Shadow onto another group. When I was in school, the classic example to illustrate this was Europe in the 30s/40s, projecting its Shadow onto the Jews and trying to eliminate this ‘evil’. In American history, the Shadow has been projected first onto the Native Americans (oh, those devilish Indians! said my Puritan forefathers as they were being nasty to each other). Then, onto the British, then North with the South (and vice versa), the Chinese in the West, the Irish in the East, Japs in the 40s, Commies in the 50s, Negroes in the 60s. There is no lack of examples.
Nowadays, the GLBT community, the Mexicans (at least where I live) and Muslims are the recipient of Amercia’s projected Shadow by conservative and religious groups, leaving the projecter spotless and sinless. In its anxiety, the USA seems to be doing a lot of Shadow projection rather than owning up to its’ dark side.
I’ve wondered if the world doesn’t consider us a laughingstock with our projections.
So be mindful of the Shadow. As a conscious part of your Psyche it provides energy and zest. As an unconscious conspirator with other archetypes, it means Ruin.
I just left Psych class and learned more from you in your post than I did in a hour and fifteen lecture! I am fully aware of my shadow, now if he would stop changing his mind all the time!!!
Does this mean that I'm projecting on Mumsy?
Naaaaaaaaaah!!! ;)
Very interesting post, hmmmmmm.
So, I guess in some mysterious and strange way, the shadow DOES know doesn't he...
Would you consider The Shadow to be on the same level as an "alter ego"?
what evil lurks in the hearts of Man, the Shadow know damn well.
I have no retort on "The Shadow" No movie or Diva has ever mentioned it as far as I Know (well maybe Mariahs therapist behind closed doors) The only shadow I have ever experienced is a 5 oclock shadow, so thanks for the info, keep it coming.
Excellent post!
Excellent post. You are a great teacher. Now off I go to find your previous Jung entries.
Was The Archetypes your first post on Jung? If not, could you point me in the direction of any previous posts on this subject? I am trying to look through your earlier posts but my internet is being difficult tonight. Thanks.
I started "Jung 101" in mid December of 2006, starting with 'How Your Mind Works'
There have been 2-4 since then.
Great post tonight. I love it when the Internet is fun and educational all at the same time.
How can I use this in my search for peace?!
I think I'm already using it, just want to make sure I'm doing it right!?
I think we project our own shadows even within the gay community. But if you own up to your shadow is it still a shadow so to speak?
yes, kalvin, it is still shadow; no one is excempt; we can own up to our shadow, and that makes it less dangerous/powerful etc. but it doesn't send it away.
nor do we really want to be rid of it completely; it has energy/zest to it that make life vital.
But don't give it the driver's seat.
Thanks for the info!
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