Wednesday, August 30, 2006

How Does That Make You Feel? Thursday

The aliens are back, and they are puzzled.

They are convinced that Bloggers are some sort of secret society whose mission is either to take over the world or redecorate it. The first hypothesis they find annoying, as that means competition. The later they think a fine idea, especially applied to certain areas of the Midwest.
So they don’t know if they should abduct everyone in Blog-land, or send them reams of fabric and new lamps.
Naturally they consult Eartha Kitt.
“What do bloggers really want?” they ask her.
Ms. Kitt suggested the following be posted as a sort of projective test ----


Blogger steve'swhirlyworld said...

She says, in her perfect Cat Woman voice, "ummm dalinga...don't worry about abductinga my boysa...they are here to make the world a more peeeeeeeerrfect place." meow...

10:00 PM  
Blogger Lemuel said...

She says, "Only send them stuff if its from IKEA or Home Depot (and include the hunky help, too) - otherwise abduct them and send them to a better place like Nieman Marcus".

4:03 AM  
Blogger Will said...

I go back a ways. Cut to the late 50s with Miss Eartha Kitt playing and dancing Oscar Wilde's Salome on live TV. On a Sunday afternoon, Eartha unleashing THAT voice and THAT body with children watching everywhere, even encouraged by their parents to watch culture on television. On a Sunday afternoon.

In those days they let Eartha as a psychopathic, teenaged nymphomaniac with necropheliac tendencies strut her stuff on live national TV. I was--what? eleven? twelve? I fell for her totally. I can still see her possessing the set like a lioness guarding her cubs. I'd never heard a voice like that and never have since. She is an Ur-goddess.

5:03 PM  

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