Tuesday, July 11, 2006

Report from the Zen Corner

The initial attempts to sit still and meditate are not very Zen. (see blog entry “Zafu and Zabuton” of 6/29)

It is hard to focus on MEK’s excellent suggestion of the ‘white room’ when the White Cat thinks it is play time. As I try to go blank, Puss is demanding attention.

Someone’s assumption these cushions are a cat bed was prophetic. The Black Cat thinks this set up is for him, and is annoyed when I push him off the pillows. Often he gets right back on in my lap, which is another distraction. (the Black Cat, not Someone).

Recently while sitting on my Zafu I was struck by something about the Nature of the Universe. It was one of those great numinous insights, and now I’ve forgotten what it was. What’s worse I can not imagine what it could have been. I keep trying to remember but all I can call to mind was something about sex.

Rather annoying for somebody not trying not to think of anything.


Blogger rodger said...

Put the cat out...shut the door...keep a pad and pen nearby. If you can't meditate but have noteworthy thoughts...write them down!

Either the meditation or the subconcious thoughts will happen and one or both are sure to be worthy of your time.


10:46 PM  
Blogger Conor Karrel said...

Oh, another meditation suggestion. I do this for dream journaling but don't see why it wouldn't work with meditation as well. Keep a voice activated tape recorder or digital voice recorder near your meditation (and/or bed) to record any thoughts that come to you at the end of your session (sleep) if you're, like me, someone who's thoughts (dreams) fly away quickly. You can get more descriptive in a shorter period of time and you can go back later and transcribe your thoughts into a journal.

Funny how I also made a comparison to "The White Room" from the Angel television series and the big bad evil entity that inhabited it just happened to be a big black kitty at one point... ironic no?

10:45 AM  
Blogger Ur-spo said...

MEK - thanks again for your help!
It is not irony, it is synchronicity. Just luv the stuff.

10:47 AM  
Blogger Michael said...

You're trying to clear your mind and instead you achieve deep insight but can't remember it? That sounds like a Stephen Wright bit.

Meditation is hard, yo.

4:03 PM  
Blogger john said...

I really hate myself for forgetting some very inspiring thoughts I've had while clearing my mind of the mundane.
I wish there were a way to re-hash those thoughts from oblivion.

4:33 PM  
Blogger Cliffie, The Lemming Girl said...

Those numinous insights slip thru your fingers like sand, man. That's why I follow the Soto Zen school that doesn't buy the concept of enlightenment.

8:20 PM  

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