Handbell Choir
In the past, this was a great deal of joy for me. I was a member of the St. Francis Handbells. There was a ratio of 50/50 men and women, with the men mainly doing the bass bells. I play C4 and D4 and their sharps/flats -just butch enough to be bass but not so hard on the wrists. (the lower bells are very large and take some effort to lift and swing).
It was a great thing. I like music, so it felt both a gift from God and to God.
Besides being more integral to the Mass, it provided a nice social network. The handbell members all got along, and we were fond of each other. We had some parties/socials. Our choir mistress, Ginny, was very loving, patient and extremely good at directing.
The highlights were the annual ringing of Midnight Mass at Christmas time, and the Easter Vigil. They were splendid.
I now belong to a bell choir in Arizona. In comparison, it is a disappointment. I am the only man in a group of 14. I’ve crashed an all women’s group, and they are not sure what to do with me/around me. During excitement, the director still shouts out "Ladies! Ladies! Pay attention!". Our director is sweet but not very good at conducting. The members are rather lax in showing up/being on time. It is overall 'less well run’ and we don’t sound good. I have to remind myself I am not the director and I don’t run things here. I miss playing more complicated pieces. I thought of quitting after a year, but figured that was premature.
It took a few years to get into the St. Francis group, so I will give this group more time.
Handbell music can be so sublime! I love it. And you comments take me to midnight Christmas Eve Eucharists and Easter Vigils in which the handbells sent those good shivers up and down your spine.
So sorry that the AZ choir has been a letdown for you. Any chance of recruiting more guys? Or even any chance of finding other handbell choirs with whom you could play?
Good luck to you! and thanks for helping to bring beautiful sounds to the rest of us.
I love handbell choirs! Our neighbor plays in one and they are quite good. Surprising considering she has Parkinson's Disease.
As for the larger bells being hard on the wrists...your wrists should be the strongest of all. I kid!
I tried a new church over a year ago and I was so uncomfortable. I felt like they didn't know why I was there. It sounds to me this can apply to the same situation. I tried this other church last month and I am so comfortable and the people are nice and treat me like I had just been gone away a little while. Maybe you're in the wrong spot my dear? Is there another group in the area to belong? OR maybe you are meant for a bigger purpose. To turn the group around and restore order? Just trying to help ya know. Good Luck!
There's nothing more beautiful than a good handbell choir, and nothing more jumping off the church steeple in the middle of service inducing than a bad one. Hope things start to get better!
If this is a big part of your church experience, I would suggest looking for a different parish. It sounds like the Rooster just walked in on a bunch of Chickens.
I hear that there is a Catholic Church on the ASU campus that has a very organized group of gay men and women (I believe they meet on Sunday evenings)...perhaps they have a handbell choir, and if not, what an opportunity for you :)
Mek's got it right. If you enjoy playing try giving it more time but it sounds like the director isn't up to par and if that's the case unless she chages her act you may be better off throwing in the towel. Is there a community bell choir?
I played handbells in college. Great fun and hard work. Beautiful music.
Upon moving to Az in '92, I very quickly became disenchanted with the cultural scene.
My home town was a small city in south Louisiana that has produced several Pulitzer Prize winners(Tony Kushner among others), and any number of careers in the arts.
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